Water Media Foundation for the Painter: A Complete Guide
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Water Media Foundation for the Painter: A Complete Guide

SKU: QDV 2015-1

A complete course that will help the painter to develop knowledge and personal approach to water media. 13 Chapters - A comprehensive guide for the use of watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and casein and their combinations.

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The DVD set is a complete course that will help the painter to develop knowledge and personal approach to water media.

This DVD set is a comprehensive guide for the use of watercolor, gouache,acrylic,and casein and their combinations. There are chapters on these media and their combinations as well as chapters on acrylic collage, drawing media with water media, acrylic on Aquabord, combining three water media and a chapter titled “Beauty in the Burn,” introducing a series of water media paintings on wildfires and the aftermath in the mountains of Colorado. The culminating chapter is an exclusive interview between his daughter Allison Quiller, production coordinator, director and editor of the film.

Each chapter is approximately 35 minutes in length and contains an introduction, chapter development,color development and demonstrations on the topic, with three finished paintings. There are examples and exercises for the viewer to practice.

Stephen Quiller is an internationally acclaimed painter who is highly regarded for his research and approach to painting with the various water media: watercolor, gouache, acrylic and casein. He has written four books on water media: Water Media Techniques, Water Media: Processes & Possibilities, Acrylic Painting Techniques and Water Media Painting With Stephen Quiller. These books have become leading texts in the field.

Chapter 1 Watercolor & Gouache
Chapter 2 Gouache
Chapter 3 Transparent Acrylic
Chapter 4 Acrylic as Water Media
Chapter 5 Acrylic & Gouache
Chapter 6 Casein
Chapter 7 Acrylic and Casein

Chapter 8 Acrylic on Aquabord
Chapter 9 Acrylic Collage
Chapter 10 Drawing Media With Water Media
Chapter 11 Combining Three Water Media
Chapter 12 Beauty in the Burn
Chapter 13 Interview: Allison Quiller & Stephen Quiller

---> Purchase and begin watching instantly on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/watermediafoundation

    • SKU
      QDV 2015-1