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DVDs & Streaming Video
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Quiller Instruction DVD Series: Using the Quiller Color Wheel, Quiller explains how to set an organized painter's palette; how to mix any beautiful semi-neutral color; how to use color for mood; and how to select and use a "mother color" while painting on location or in the studio.
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Quiller Instruction DVD Series: Quiller demonstrates how to mix color and develop color relationships through the use of the Quiller Wheel. He paints studies of monochromatic, complementary, analogous, split-complementary and triadic color schemes using value, intensity and dominant-subordinate relationships.
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Student Painting DVD Series: The artist presents an introductory overview of color concepts and color combinations, including primary, secondary, and intermediate color, after-image, intensity, contrast, color value as well as monochromatic and analogous color schemes.
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Student Painting DVD Series: Targeted for high school, college, and beginning adults. Quiller demonstrates how to get started with acrylic painting. Basic materials are shown with pigments, a palette, and brush care.
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